Stella Maris Parish
Stella Maris Parish Bulletin - N/A
Portuguese Bulletin - Ash Wednesday, 5th March
The town of St. George had been a centre of Catholic worship since 1849, with services held in the barracks Chapel of the British Regiment. When the U.S. Base was established at Kindley Field, the Catholic Chaplain ministered to the Catholics of the area. However, it would take almost another hundred years before construction of a Catholic Church in St. George would begin. Stella Maris is located in the heart of historic St. George and is the smallest Catholic Church in Bermuda. On the first Sunday in February 1948, Archbishop McNally of Halifax, Nova Scotia, blessed the Church and dedicated it to the Blessed Mother under the title, Stella Maris, Star of the Sea. In the holy year of 2000, Bishop Robert J. Kurtz, C.R. proclaimed Stella Maris Church as the Marian Center of the Diocese.
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Mass Schedule
Saturday: | Vigil 5:00 PM |
Sunday: | 10:00 AM |
Sacrament of Reconciliation: By Appointment only
Wednesday: Filipino Mas - Every Last Wednesday 7:00pm
PASTOR: Rev. Dandy Traje, CP
TELEPHONE: (441) 292-0607 Ext.3
PASTOR'S CELL: (441) 777-2470
Stella Maris Church
3 Duke of Clarence St.
St. Georges GE 01
P.O. Box GE 78
St. George's GE BX